Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Very difficult, Bangladesh people. No good."

The above quote is from everyone's favorite Bangladeshi landlord, Mr. Dhar. He was in and out of the apartment even more in the past few days as the leak in my bathroom finally got bad enough (the foam ceiling tile above my shower actually caved in, luckily while I wasn't in the shower at the time) that he realized he needed to fix it. I have no idea how many people work at this apartment complex, as whenever there is a problem there is always an assortment of new faces that will come to try and fix it.  I guess Mr. Dhar was annoyed with a few of the workers and felt like they weren't doing a good job causing him to mutter this statement.

Earlier in the day he had stopped by 2 times to hang out I guess, even when Ayub told him that Charlie's boss was here, going over stuff.
This is one of the worst parts of having a problem with the bathroom, every time I go to his office to tell him something like, "Hey Mr. Dhar my ceiling just collapsed" he takes that as an opportunity to come and sit with us for at least 20 minutes as he sends his workers to go check it out. 

Ayub was very annoyed with Mr. Dhar all day, mainly over the leak situation. He kept going to his office to try and find him and tell him he needs to fix it. Of course, when you want to find Mr. Dhar he is nowhere to be seen. Ayub said that he also spends a lot of time with the Koreans that live in the building. When I asked Ayub if he thought it would ever get fixed he said, "that man, she no care, she just want to talk and talk." (Ayub sometimes mixes up "she" and "he" and always makes me laugh when he is talking about Mr. Dhar."

The above-quote is also evidence of another trend that I've noticed among a few Bangladeshis, that they absolutely hate their fellow Bangladeshis. Sayed has never said a good word about them. Mr. Dhar thinks they're terrible. Ayub is always worried that any interaction we have a Bangladeshi will result in us getting robbed. I'm not sure if they tell us this because they think it is what we want to hear, or if it is how they truly feel. Either way it is very sad and makes me a bit uncomfortable.

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