Monday, June 7, 2010

Near Sugar Coma

I forgot to mention that I finally got to try a bunch of Bangladeshi sweets. A few days ago I asked Ayub if, the next time he went to the market, he could pick up some sweets for me. He got very excited, and ended up bringing home a whole box full of more traditional desserts, and also 2 donuts. To give you an idea of how sweet the Bangladeshis like their dessert, the donuts were by far the least sweet. The best description I can think for most of them is a less complicated version of baklava completely soaked in sweet syrup until it is nearly dripping. They were good, but the sugar content makes me feel like I am developing diabetes just thinking about them.  This blog has some good pictures.

The other night we met with Azad's (Azad = Bangladeshi UM consultant who put this program together) friend at Cafe Mango (I'm confused as to what his name is though) to talk about the possibility of hiring a private car for the rest of our time here. (I'm going to spare you all the absolute saga that has developed on this topic, but lets just say it has been going on for a week now and is very frustrating.)  I of course also asked him the first question I ask everyone here "do you recommend any good restaurants?" He mentioned a few he liked, and so we talked about that for awhile I guess I sounded very enthusiastic as he then asked me, "do you have any other interests?" For a good (and awkward!) 15 seconds I actually couldn't think of anything. This was probably the most Liz Lemon moment of my life.


  1. Nope, nope, pretty much only interested in restaurants. Ever.

  2. You like television. HELLO. TELEVISION. You even compared your life to television without thinking about it as you couldn't name your interest of TELEVISION.

    I read that India particularly is going crazy for sweets in ways that they used to not. I.e., Americanization introduced it, and they weren't used to it, so now they're going crazy for it. Baked goods and confectionaries (spelling?) especially. Like American Indians and alcohol.

    Maybe it tastes different to them?
