Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall (continuously for 3 months)

Bangladesh has 6 seasons. The season we are currently in (lasting between June and August) is called Barsa or Rainy Season.

The rain here is not a drizzle, sprinkle, nor shower. The best description I can think of is torrential downpour, although monsoon certainly evokes the proper image. It is a driving, hard and unforgiving rain, leaving a wake of destruction and death in its path every year. But, it is also the lifeblood of this country on which agriculture and the ecosystem absolutely depend. Bangladesh is merely a stop on its journey from the Himalayan Mountains to the Bay of Bengal.

Yet all of this poetic contradiction is a small consolation given that my bathroom ceiling is currently leaking and can't be fixed until the rain stops.

1 comment:

  1. There are rains like that on the east coast but far more sparse. I think a good word for them is sheets. You go outside, and are soaked immediately. And also it's hot. East coast, this is accompanied by creepy thunder.
