Saturday, June 5, 2010

Privacy Update

After some careful consideration, I think it is best that I keep this blog private while I am here, and then I'll make it public once I get back to the states. If you are reading this then you will still be able to, I just don't want any random person on the internet being able to read what I write, especially given the tense relationship between the Solidarity Center and the Bangladesh government and that I am a white Jewish girl in a country where all three of those things make me very conspicuous.


  1. My dad wants to read this blog and can't. You know him and technology. He'll never make his own blog to view yours.
    May I also mention that your last name is nowhere on this blog? I have a blog with stuff I dont want anyone to be able to read, but I still have ways of keeping it secret.

    Of course, if you feel like your safety is at stake. By all means.
