Friday, June 18, 2010

Feeling Better

After a lot of sleep, medicine, and 3 glasses of fresh coconut juice (which Ayub insisted was the best cure to settle my stomach) I feel A LOT better today.

The power situation here is getting more and more dire. In most part of the city it is on for an hour then off for an hour. I am incredibly lucky that both my apartment and office have a very good generator that even powers the AC. Mr. Dhar came by yesterday to complain about how expensive the electric bill was going to be, and said that he had a very good idea for us (as if he were letting us in on some brilliant insight) that we should not use the AC so much.

Nothing much else to write about. Hopefully I'll get to do some sightseeing this weekend.


  1. Glad to hear ur feeling better! Did you have to take ciproflaxin? That's the antibioitic the travel clinic reccommended for me last summer. Cipro was my best friend.


  2. I definitely took that, so glad I had it!
